TC-1Plus/E1 Talking Controller for Remote Monitoring and Control
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The MoTron TC-1Plus can monitor four digital inputs, 4 analog inputs and remotely control up to 17 relays. There is one relay on the TC-1Plus/E1 and an internal expansion header for connecting a MoTron RB-8/10 or RB-16/10 relay board with either 8 or 16 additional relays. The TC-1Plus/E9 includes 9 relays and the TC-1Plus/E17 includes 17 relays with the expansion board already installed. Digital inputs can be configured from the programming menu for either Normally Open or Normally Closed. When a contact is activated on a digital input or an analog value reaches a trigger point, user programmable telephone numbers are dialed and a user recorded voice message is played. Up to eight different phone numbers can be programmed into the TC-1Plus and each input can be assigned to call any of the eight numbers. The TC-1Plus will continue to call and play the message until it is acknowledged with the “*” key. The TC-1Plus can also be used over a radio system. A radio such as a Maxon SD-125 UHF or VHF radio can be connected directly to the TC-1Plus radio port with a straight through 9 pin cable. Each relay can be controlled (latched on/off or triggered momentarily) remotely using the telephone or radio DTMF keypad. Each relay can be programmed to respond with a short relay description message followed by an on or off message. There are default messages but new ones can be recorded by the user. This allows the TC-1Plus to be set up to operate with any language the user desires. Input and relay states can be polled to find out if an input or relay is on or off. Message recording is accomplished using a standard telephone. All other parameters and telephone contact numbers are programmed using a standard terminal program such as HyperTerminal or MoTronCom (our own terminal program available upon request).
Hook up
The TC-1Plus operates on 12VDC . The vertical RJ-11 inside the enclosure is used with the programming telephone. The right angle RJ-11 on the front panel is used to connect to a telephone line. Next to the power jack is a female DE-9 jack (sometimes called a DB-9). This is used as the radio interface. The radio connections are as follows:
Pin 1 Audio out to radio microphone input
Pin 2 Audio in from radio receiver output
Pin 3 PTT relay to ground
Pin 4 Ground
Pin 5 +12VDC @ 800ma to power radio.
This pin-out is designed to mate directly with a Maxon SD-125/U or /V SD-225 HLD-100, SD-171E and SD-174E transceiver. However basic radio interface lines can be connected to most any radio transceiver. If the radio is powered directly through the board then the transmit power must be limited to two watts or less. The Mic gain control pot can be found just behind the RS-232 connector. This can be adjusted for proper transmit audio level. There is also a jumper for setting the mic gain to HI or LO. In HI position the output is line level. In LO position the output is mic level. Adjust the mic gain for the appropriate deviation setting for your radio.
To program the numbers to be dialed when there is an alarm and other options connect a PC with standard RS-232 port. Use a standard terminal program such as HyperTerminal available in Windows XP and earlier OS versions. If you do not have a terminal program please contact MoTron and we can provide you with one. A standard telephone set is used for recording or playing voice messages.
Parameters that can be programmed: Unlock code, Lock code, number of times the TC-1Plus will dial all numbers on the contact list, number of rings before answering, number of repetitions during an alarm call-out session, the timer value for disconnecting a call if no current break is detected from the central office, and Analog debounce time.
Once the unlock command is received there are numerous 3-digit commands that can be used for control.
Relay Control Commands
If an RB-8 or RB-16 relay board is attached to the TC-1Plus there are up to 17 relays that can be controlled. Relay commands are 01 through 17 followed by a “*” to latch a relay on, a “#” to turn it off or a “0″ to trigger it momentarily for one second.
Audio Control Commands
A PA or “Public Address” output allows the TC-1Plus to be used to access an external audio system. When the command 21* is received the TC-1Plus will turn on the PA PTT relay and route audio either from the radio input or the telephone input to the PA output. There are two PA relay outputs. KP1A and KP1B is a dry contact relay output. The output KP2 goes to ground when PA is active. Line level audio is available from PA+ and PA-.
XAUD is an external audio input. It can be connected to an external microphone or other audio source and controlled with commands 22* and 22# for on and off
23* and 23# controls a mic located on the TC-1P. This allows a remote caller to monitor audio at the site where the TC-1Plus is installed.
The XAUD and local Mic functions are available only by telephone.
Alarm Call-Outs
When an input changes states to the alarm condition on one of the four digital or analog inputs a call-out will be generated. If the digital input is set to Normally Open then the input would have to close. If it is set to Normally Closed then it would need to open. If you are calling out over a telephone the TC-1Plus will dial the first number on the contact list and play the message associated with the input. This message will repeat for the number of times programmed into the “Voice Repeat” value with a five second wait between announcements until it is acknowledged by pressing the “*” or star key. If it is not acknowledged after playing the message for the repeat value then the TC-1Plus will hang up and go to the next number on the contact list and repeat the process until an acknowledgment is received or until the Dial Count number is reached